Monday, February 4, 2013

Once Upon a Time is Now

by Stephen Carpenter

The author of this book, which is the first in a series based from Grimm's fairy tales, is the creator of the TV show Grimm. Although I have never seen the show, I have friends who really like it so I thought I'd read some of the books. Well, that's not going to happen! This book reminded me of one my husband once read and hated so much that he tore it up so no one would accidentally pick it up and read it. Ditto for Grimm Curse. Its only salvation was that it was short and free.

The concept of Once Upon a Time is a 16 year old boy discovers he is the sole descendant of the Grimm brothers, who were not writing fairly tales at all, but documenting real events. Because they are the only ones who can see and remember these witches, ogres and ghouls, they have been granted the task of keeping regular citizens safe from harm. Doesn't sound bad.... but it is!

The writing could have been done by a third grader. For one thing, the story kept shifting perspectives from first person to third; awkward. The sentence structure is very poor, needs a good editor. There is little character development or detail. The plot lacked strength and stability. And worst of all, the author seemed to think using all capitals would give meaning and emphasis to the story, for example: Kara SCREAMED. "And an INNOCENT one at that!"or many instances of onomatopoeia, like in a comic books: SCREECH! CRASH! WHAM! These tactics were used multiple times on every page, which made them pointless and annoying.

I honestly don't know who would like to read this, but several people who rated it on Amazon said it was excellent, well-written and a brilliant idea. Can't imagine they read much. I even debated about including a link. 

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