Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

by Alan Bradley

The heroine of The Sweetness of the Bottom of the Pie is an intelligent 11-year old who has a talent for chemistry, especially loves poisons, and loves to do experiments on her two older sisters; who she doesn't especially love. When Flavia stumbles upon a dying stranger in her garden, she discovers she also has a bit of a talent for sleuthing. In her efforts to prove her father innocent of this murder, Flavia uncovers the story of another murder to which her father was closely related, and which has ties to the current death. Her revelations nearly lead to her own demise.

Although it has been some time since I have read any Agatha Christie, this story seemed reminiscent of those I remember. This was a fun story with enough mystery that easily unfolded for the reader, but didn't come as a surprise or twist. Even though the plot didn't thicken until midway through, it's worth hanging on for. This story is the first in a series of Flavia de Luce mysteries and I'll probably give another a read.

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